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I’d Love to Enhance My Smile, But How Long Does Cosmetic Dental Work Last?

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sweeny @ 8:44 pm
Lady shows off pretty smile

If you’ve watched television or seen any movies in the past few decades, you’ve probably seen the amazing results of cosmetic dentistry in the teeth of many actors and media personalities. While cosmetic dentistry can completely transform your smile into a beautiful new state, the effects of some treatments last longer than others. Here’s a brief guide to some of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments, how long their effects can last, and how to make them last for as long as possible.

Porcelain Veneers Can Last for Years

Porcelain veneers are thin porcelain shells that are cemented over troubled teeth to conceal defects like chips, cracks, gaps, and stains or even to reshape them entirely. They can be placed in as few as two appointments over about two weeks. During the first appointment, the dentist removes a small amount of enamel from the teeth being treated to make room before fixing a set of temporary veneers upon them, and during the second appointment, this temporary set is removed and a completely customized set of permanent veneers is cemented in place.

While porcelain veneers are quite durable, they will eventually need to be replaced, and since enamel does not grow back, teeth that have received veneers will need to wear them for life. While these appliances usually last for seven to ten years before needing replacement, they can last for as long as fifteen years if they receive excellent care and are protected from damage.

Shine On with Teeth Whitening

Many people live with unsightly dental stains or discoloration or simply wish that their smiles were whiter. Thankfully, dentists offer professional teeth whitening in the form of in-office treatments that can be carried out in about an hour or take-home kits that can be completed over about two weeks.

These treatments can leave your teeth up to eight shades whiter and are far safer and more effective than store-bought whitening products or purported DIY whitening methods found on social media. With excellent oral hygiene, the results of professional teeth whitening treatment can last for up to three years.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding – A Quick Fix with Lasting Results

Falls, sports injuries, and chewing on non-food items can leave unsightly chips and cracks in teeth, and many people have stains or small gaps that they wish they could get rid of. Thankfully, cosmetic dental bonding can noninvasively address these issues in minutes during a routine dental appointment. Your dentist will apply a small amount of tooth-colored composite resin to the defect and shape it so that it matches the natural curves of your smile, thereby filling in or covering up the flaw and leaving the tooth looking as good as new.

Proper oral hygiene is crucial to preserving the results of cosmetic dentistry. To protect your treated teeth from damage, stick to chewing carefully, wearing a mouthguard when playing sports, wearing a nightguard if you grind your teeth at night, and abstaining from chewing on non-food items like ice, writing utensils, and paperclips. Your cosmetic dental work is an investment in your appearance and confidence, and taking care of your teeth is the best way to get the most out of it.

About the Author

Dr. Derek Funk earned his dental degree at the UCLA School of Dentistry and has completed more than one hundred hours of continuing education courses. He is proud to hold memberships with the American Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry. His office in Sweeny offers general, restorative, emergency, and cosmetic dentistry such as the treatments listed here. To schedule your cosmetic dental consultation, contact his office online or dial (979) 548-2184.

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